Why Choose Fenters Auto Detailing?
Customer Satisfaction
The job is not done until we deliver the best results possible
Arrival Time
We will notify you via text/phone call when we are on the way to your appointment
Local business
We are primarily based in Lexington SC but we also travel to towns in the surrounding area
Clear Communication
We will always have clear communication throughout the whole process to ensure there is no confusion on any aspect of the detail
Mobile Car Detailing
By choosing a mobile car detailing company you eliminate wait times by having us come right to you
Appointment Confirmation
You will receive a text a confirmation text a few days before the appointment
Professional Car Detailing in Columbia SC
Have you been wanting your car cleaned to it's highest potential but you dread going to the car wash and doing it yourself? Well with Fenters Auto Detailing we take all the frustration out of the equation. We are a mobile car detailing company based in Lexington but travel to Columbia SC! We offer a wide range of detailing services to meet your needs. This includes wash & wax, full interior cleanings, headlight restorations, ceramic coatings, etc...
Don't just take our word for it though! We have over 100+ 5-Star reviews from customers all across Columbia SC you can check out here

FAQ of our Columbia
SC Detailing Services
Do you need water or electrical outlets?
Nope! We have our own water and electricity on board to handle to whole job.
What other areas do you service?
We also service the Lexington, Chapin, Irmo, West Columbia, Pelion, and Leesville area.
What form of payment do you take?
We take cash, card, or check!
What if I am at work?
As long as the landlord doesn't have a problem with us working on the property we can absolutely detail your vehicle while you are at work.